Sunday, 9 June 2013

Liz Earle July Skincare package

Hello everyone! 

Sorry I haven't been making any blogs lately, been working quite a lot! But anyway, I'm back! 

Well after all the hype last year about the Liz Earle cleanse and polish I decided I'd finally give it ago! 

I must say I think it is amazing! I've been using for nearly a month now & I love it! First time I used it was brilliant! My skin was glowing and I had already noticed a difference!  

The cleanse and polish is so easy to use; for those who don't know; just 2 pumps massaged into the skin then use the hot damped Muslim cloth to wipe away and dirt or make up! It's so much quicker than using wipes and get every last bit of dirt off.  After that I follow with the Liz Earle skin boost toner, very refreshing and leaves my skin feeling soft! Then following that I use my combination/oily moisturiser which is brilliant too! I'm in love with these products and don't think i would use another brand! 

Very happy :)

What to do you think of the Liz Earle products?  

Love Lauren xxx